Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Here is the crib that Bun set up in about 30 minutes. He's a rock star.

This is the dresser that we got from Craigslist. Poor Bun had to carry it with a stranger from Sixth Avenue and 13th Street cuz it didn't fit in the car.

Here is a view of the entire Baby's room (this used to be Bun's office).

Here I am- the crazy print of my dress distracts from my enormous belly.

Bun is testing the crib strength in case the baby tries to escape.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I'm back!

So much has happened in the past year- some good, some bad. I'm finally ready to fire up this blog again. The biggest news is that soon it will be Me, Bun, Cubby, and Baby! Stay tuned.