Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The rat series

Cubby's rat routine

After Bun comes home from work, but before Cubby goes for her evening walk, she likes to attack her stuffed rat.

Note that Cubby's rat only has one eye left.

Time to eat dinner....

Happy after "killing " the rat.
After her evening walk, she takes a nap.

Many moods of Cubby

Cubby is very expressive. She can be happy.Contemplative...

Or meditative.

Super Bowl

This is a picture of our friends, C and S. Their dog Sparks is Cubby's boyfriend. We met them when both Cubby and Sparks were puppies running around Riverside Park. Bun, Cubby, and I went to their house to watch the Superbowl. Unfortunately, Cubby was rooting for the Bears, who did not win.

Cubby likes to look at Sparks' furry butt.

My hobbies

Recently I have been learning how to knit. Sometime I have to concentrate.
I also spend a lot of time on the computer, for fun and for work.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

A new friend

Cubby loves to chase the ball. Not that you can tell, but these pics were taken in Prospect Park in Brooklyn.

An action shot of Cubby bringing the ball back to me.

Cubby is tired.

Recently a new friend arrived. He was hanging out on a branch just outside our window.

WS Park Christmas Tree

We live across the street from Washington Square Park. During the holidays, the city puts up a huge Christmas tree under the arch.
Cubby is very special; therefore, she has her own personalized bed.
This is Cubby D. She is a 5 year old Chow-Duck Tolling Retriever mix.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

First entry

Welcome to my blog. We'll see how this goes.